<<< Thursday, January 06, 2005 >>>

Today, Today, Today

I invited half my address book to join friendster today. I’ve only been on that thing several times in the last few months, but, for some reason, I was really feeling the network thing today.

Perhaps it was that freshly minted US Senator Barack Obama accepted my invitation to be my friend. Now how freakin’ cool is that? (Thanks MJ.)

Or perhaps it is that reconnecting with old friends is far more fulfilling than the suburban hermit’s life.

I got this email today, from my main man dehydrated1:
I'm really interested in seeing your spiritual journey blogs unfold. It's one of those things we all seem to secretly battle consistently. Any time you start to feel like you're gaining ground, you just open more doors that lead to new uncertainty. Everyone's always struggling with it, yet it's rare that UNCERTAIN people really talk about it. (I know lots of people FULL-UP on confidence that are MORE than happy to tell you what you should believe). I find this area of your blogs most exciting and will be curious to see how it progresses.
Well put, my friend, and thank you. And I can’t wait to get my hands on that giraffe painting!

I returned from my lunch break to a harrowing voice mail from my brother: Call right away! My heart skipped a beat as I dialed his number, not knowing the situation or its urgency. My sister was in a car accident and was in the hospital! She’s fine, thank God, just a lot of pain in her chest from the impact of the airbag. I hope it’s a long time before I receive another call like that.

Jodi’s great-uncle passed away today, and one of her cousins died yesterday in a freak weight-lifting accident. All of this at once! : ( It makes you appreciate how fragile our lives really are. As if Mother Nature didn’t just drive that home last week. So please, everyone, hold your loved ones tight tonight and be thankful for what you have.

N/P Afro Baby: The Evolution of the Afro-Sound in Nigeria 1970-79
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