<<< Thursday, January 06, 2005 >>>

John Madden: Saving This Country from the Democrats and the Communists, One Liberal at a Time

I posted this on 1/1:
I saw a guy on the corner of Colfax & Lincoln today holding up a huge sign that read: “Kerry stabbed our troops.” Somebody should give that man a paper dated November 3rd, 2004. And I need a digital camera.
So yesterday, when I picked up my copy of Westword, Denver’s venerable weekly, I was shocked and amused to read this story, about my boy John Madden (not the broadcaster, of course):
Madden hauls his collection of signs all over town, hanging them around his neck with wire clothes hangers so they cover his front and back like sandwich-board advertisements, but he prefers the more highly educated, liberal sections of the city. There he finds the people most likely to take offense at his messages, most likely to grasp their subtleties. Because it takes someone with a higher-caliber intellect to decipher lines like "Kerry Throws Like a Girl."
Seeing the “Clinton Raped Juanita” sign reminds me that I’ve seen this guy many times before. How could one forget something like that? Especially when good ol’ Slick Willie ain’t been in office for years! (Heavy sigh.)

So, needless to say, this guy is a bit of a jackass. But he’s pretty damn funny for a jackass. Riling up the liberals. Well, it obviously works. He had me going the other day.

More non-wisdom from this crazy, stupid, amusing bastard:
If Madden could impart one message to the citizens of this state, it would be to always vote Republican, as he did in the most recent election. "Democrats are dangerous," he says. "Look at Hillary Clinton. She's a communist, she's a murderer. She murdered Vince Foster. She murdered Ron Brown. These people can't be trusted to run the country."
C’est la vie.

N/P The LegendsUp Against the Legends (again. And again.)

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