<<< Saturday, January 01, 2005 >>>

Razz-olutions, Introspection, & a Shit-Ton of New LPs

This one’s gotta be a quickie, lots to do before Jodi gets home tonight. Yes, that’s right, she booked her flight home this morning. Her mom isn’t entirely better yet, but, unfortunately, she’s gotta get back to work on Monday. We’ll see how it goes—just taking it day by day right now. This whole experience has definitely pushed forward our plans to relocate back to P-Town—so Denver friends, get a hold of me in the next couple of months. To friends in Peoria & Chi-town: I’ll be seeing a lot more of ya’ll very soon.

So I ended up at the Tavern last night for the Ghost Buffalo/Red Cloud (+ 5 other bands) New Years Eve show. I hadn’t seen Red Cloud in a while and they were great. I love watching Heller rock his nuts off, about as much as I enjoy watching Ross, the very tall, wiry singer, do the same. They opened their set with a surprise a cappella rendition of “Will the Circle be Unbroken” that made my night, and Heller hooked me up with their just-released CD—thanks dude. So the Go-Buffs and the Cloud hit the road this morning for a week-long trip to the West Coast. It’s a great combo, those two. Good luck guys, be safe.

Had a nice talk with Age of Precarious Tom about his relationship with conservative girl. His take is very interesting, and it sort of dovetails with a lot of thoughts and conversations I’ve been having lately about religion and the like. It seems that many people are exploring their spirituality these days, unsure what they’re looking for or what they’re gonna find. Me too. Considering what’s going on in the world these days, I think it makes a certain amount of sense. I have many thoughts on the topic, to be disseminated over the next few months.

No major concrete New Years' resolutions for me, just the usual: stop bumming cigs from friends when I’m out, eat better, overcome my child-like sweet tooth. Blog (almost) every day and try to maintain my interest and excitement in Unfinished Novellas. Increase my patience quotient, try ta be a better person. Work on the little things.

As for music resolutions, there are none. I think the noiseboy’s 2005 plan is quite admirable, and I imagine that someday, when I’m far away from the well-stocked record stores of Denver, that I will take some time off from the constant seeking and purchasing of records to just enjoy what I have. But there’s not a chance in hell of that happening this year. I journeyed to Wax Trax and Black & Read today….traded in a bunch of discs and got $100+ in credit at the Trax, so, needless to say, I walked out of there with quite a stack of wax. To put this in perspective, it’s the very first day of the year, and I’ve already bought more records (14) than noiseboy has allocated for himself for the entire year (12)! Today’s pick-ups:

@Wax Trax:
LSD MarchShindara Jigoku
Ulrich SchnaussA Strangely Isolated Place
Black MountainDruganaut 12”
Sunburned Hand of the ManThe Trickle-Down Theory of Lord Knows What
Tarantula Hawk s/t (the 1st one)
Judee Sill Heart Food
Masaki BatohCollected Works 95-96
various Love Peace & Poetry: Mexican Psychedelic Music
various Love Peace & Poetry: British Psychedelic Music

@Black & Read:
Kim FowleyUnderground Animal
The Action16 Slices of the Action
Milton NascimentoMilton
variousPsychedelic Moods Part Two: Journey Thru Inner Space with Hydro-Pyro and Others
variousNuggets Volume One: The Hits

I saw a guy on the corner of Colfax & Lincoln today holding up a huge sign that read: “Kerry stabbed our troops.” Somebody should give that man a paper dated November 3rd, 2004. And I need a digital camera.

By the way, in a previous post I mentioned watching Fog of War, a superb film about war as seen through the eyes of former Defense Secretary Robert McNamara. This is one of the best documentaries I have ever seen—much food for thought—and should be required viewing for members of the Bush cabinet. But perhaps, to learn from our mistakes, to extract lessons from history, is asking too much for the gang who couldn’t shoot straight. Check it out.

Finally, have a little fun here. Be creative.


N/P Electric Prunes “I Had Too Much to Dream Last Night”

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