<<< Wednesday, January 19, 2005 >>>

Of Skin and Dirt and Stars and Leaves

I was glad to see that my friend, the esteemed noiseboy, has fallen in line with the emerging consensus on the super-duper-greatness of one Black Mountain. Wait’ll ya hear the whole thang, jack—the third spin was better than the second—and feel free to check yr skepticism at the door, even as the impending Hype Machine gears up and Mountain, Black becomes 2005’s Fire, Arcade, or Ferdinand, Franz (or, more appropriately, this year’s Fire, Comets On). I’ll be gettin’ down, no matter what the Machine do, cuz the only thing more irritating than superfluous hype is the inevitable backlash from an unofficial cabal of self-righteous hipster contrarians, the cynical keepers of cool.

Yes yes y'all, we are the Too Damn Hype
Too Damn Hype, now let's do this right

Speaking of Comets On Fire, there’s a new Six Organs of Admittance LP called School of the Flower coming out next week. It seems that ace six-slinger Ben Chasny is movin’ on up to Drag City, having finally gotten his piece of the pie. I adored his last record, Dark Noontide; it clocked in at #19 on last year’s Best-Of list. But if I ever get around to a revision (the list is, after all, but a rough draft), it may just inch up a few notches. This just in: Dark Noontide came out in 2002, you sniveling EEDIOT, and Chasny’s put out several records since then. Fuck, I can't stand it when I’m so obviously, verifiably wrong. Not to mention, this isn’t the only record I was forced to disqualify from my Best Of ’04 list because the damn thing didn’t come out in 2004! Looks like Unfinished Novellas needs a new editor. Interested parties, your resumes please...

Regardless, I’m pretty psyched for School of the Flower. But Georgiana Cohen of Splendid ezine is not:
The band's name comes from Buddhist terminology used to describe the five senses plus the soul. After attending classes at School of the Flower, I have to say that my tongue is pensively bitten, my ears are wincing and I have not seen the light. I'm not touched and my soul isn't any more at ease. And the scent of incense is overwhelming.
Even not having heard the record yet, I’ll have to respectfully disagree with the too-cutesy-for-her-own-goodsy Ms. Cohen. She obviously just doesn’t get it.

But there are plenty of true believers out there. Foxy D, any tips for Ms. Cohen?
To fully appreciate what Chasny is saying, one must become part of the music. You must listen to it; you must physically feel it; you must let it run through your bloodstream and into your bones. This is easier for some people than for others, but he is there to guide you. This music is made from skin and dirt and stars and leaves. Everything this universe has to offer is embodied in Six Organs.
Thanks much, Foxy, and if I may say, sir, you reek of patchouli!

N/P Satyricon Nemesis Divina

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