<<< Tuesday, December 28, 2004 >>>

Almost Forgot (How) to Blog

Hello, my friends. I hope everyone is having a wonderful wrap-up to the weird year that was 2004. Here at Unfinished Novellas, most of me is looking onward to ’05 and beyond, yet there is still hand-wringing to be done over ‘04, mostly over the stalled final installment of the Top 25 Albums list, which I had hoped to have done before leaving town, then had hoped to work on while I was gone, and now hope to post by week’s end. I know everyone is just dying to know my Top Five! ;)

Incidentally, the list has already been amended twice since its initial (80%) publication: first, with my accidental inclusion and subsequent disqualification of the Terminal Lovers LP at #7, and now, with my holiday purchase of The Legends’ most excellent Up Against the Legends LP. More on these Swedish cats later, fer sure, but for now, Pitchfork, take it away!

So anyway, it’s good to be back, and I had a blast, as usual, back home. Bittersweet, though, as Jodi unexpectedly had to stay behind because her mom is so sick. If you know her mom, you know how selfless and wonderful she is, so please, send your prayers and positive thoughts her way in these times.

It’s after midnight. I don’t have the time I thought I did, so the big Christmas vacation wrap-up will have to wait for tomorrow. Good night, everyone. I leave you with Robert Anton Wilson’s Thought for the Month, but you gots ta click for it.

Recent spins:
Nuggets Volume Five: Pop, Part III
Ken NordineWord Jazz
Morgan GeistUnclassics (Obscure Electronic Funk & Disco 1978-1985)
OpethBlackwater Park
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