<<< Friday, November 12, 2004 >>>

Ode to Skullbloggery and Diary Regrets

If I remember correctly (an iffy supposition in many cases), I started a blog once. Flashback to the waning days of Y2K. Ah, the good ol days…of hanging chads and Jews for Buchanan, when the mischievous electoral college became a black hole of legalistic maneuvering. Still licking my wounds over the High Court’s appointment of a glorified chimp to the highest office in the land, I was yet to realize just how much I would miss Bill Clinton over the next four years. As the sequel to Bedtime for Bonzo began to roll, I was yet to realize so many things. Hail to the chimp. Simpler times.

I think I posted to my new blog twice but quickly lost interest. Fast-forward four years. Bonzo wins big. The vote was not close, but the wounds are deeper, much deeper, this time. This world is a frightening and dangerous place. But oh boy-o, has that blogosphere matured!

One of my dearest and most brilliant friends stepped up to the plate back in September with The Blank Generation. I was inclined to follow suit at the time, but held back for numerous reasons. Well today marks the end of my silence. Long live the narcissism of seeing one’s words in print!

I think it was last week’s edition of the ubiquitous Parade magazine in which I read that Barbara Walters’ greatest regret in life was not having kept a diary. This really hit home with me. I have reams of notebooks of thoughts and (mostly) bad poetry from the formative years of 16-22, but when I reached my mid-twenties, I lost that bug. And with my (awful) memory, I can barely tell you what I did yesterday. I have to think real hard about it. For years laziness has trumped the need to put it down on paper. Today I wash it away from within the safe confines of HyperText Markup Language.

I would like to welcome you all to Unfinished Novellas. Here I will share my great loves, passions, and interests in life. Music, politics, current events, literature, philosophical musing: all of this and more.

So bookmark me baby, and visit often.

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